Technical Exchange Meeting of Yanji Bridge Project Successfully Held

Release Time:2021-07-23

   On July 19, 2021, at 15:00 p.m. in the conference room on the third floor of our company, a technical exchange meeting on the Yanji Bridge Project of China Communications Second Aviation Administration was successfully held. Jin Qi, Safety Director of Yanji Project of CCCC Second Aviation Administration, Fan Jun, Minister of Material Reserve, Ding Huagang, Minister of Equipment Department and other leaders attended the meeting. Our technical director Xiang Yafei, production director Liu Chao, sales manager Zhang Kaiwen, and enterprise management minister Xiao Difan, led by Chairman Chen Songwen, attended the meeting respectively. The meeting conducted full discussion and research on the current situation that the quality of the power distribution cabinets used on the construction site is uneven, the styles are complicated, the quality cannot be guaranteed, and the image cannot be unified. Finally, it was reached: according to the 28 cabinet types in the framework agreement, promotion, unified production technology, unified quality standards, effective cost control, and accelerated supply.

     At the meeting, chairman Chen Songwen first expressed his warm welcome and thanks to the relevant leaders of the Yanji project of CCCC Second Aviation Bureau. He analyzed the necessity of promoting the 28 standard cabinets in the framework from the aspects of price, quality and management, and made a key exposition on the safety protection, quality improvement and technical innovation and improvement of the cabinets produced by our factory, the productivity of the factory has been fully reflected. During the meeting, Jin Zong of Yanji Project of China Communications Second Aviation Bureau gave a high degree of affirmation to the equipment produced by our company and put forward higher requirements to our company, pointing out that the use area and scope of the equipment should be expanded and the use value of the equipment should be expanded based on economic applicability. With safety management and civilized production as the core, the safety and applicability of cabinets should be improved, and the equipment should be increased by technology.added value;And the after-sales service of our factory also made hopeSales manager Zhang Kaiwen made a satisfactory reply on the after-sales service matters and once again promised at the meeting: quality is the first element of enterprise survival, timely and thoughtful meeting customer needs is our factory's after-sales service purpose is the foundation of enterprise survival.

     At the end of the meeting, the leader of Yanji project of CCCC Second Aviation Bureau visited our company's production workshop and office building under the guidance of chairman Chen Songwen, and made a further understanding and recognition of our company's working environment, production capacity and qualification strength, laying a solid foundation for the continuous cooperation between the two sides.


Satisfactory, Production, Meeting, Equipment, Project, Quality, Out, Chairman, Unity, Leadership