Huanggang Dongbi Pavilion Outdoor 2nd Development Newsletter

Release Time:2022-01-04

  In order to strengthen team building, enhance team cohesion and release team passion, our company sincerely invites Wuhan juntuo shengshi consulting management co., ltd. to host the 2021 outdoor expansion team building activities, which will be held ceremoniously in Huanggang dongbi pavilion from December 18 to 19. The event was led by Mr. Chen Songwen, chairman and general manager, and all employees of the company and their families participated in the event.

Expansion activities include joint walking, crossing the power grid, tug-of-war competition, real CS and other expansion activities during the day. In the evening, the colorful outdoor collective activities, which are different from the past and have a new pattern and new atmosphere, are presented in the form of self-service cold meal, barbecue and bonfire party, which fully embodies the spirit of "Chutian people" daring to break the old and pursuing innovation.

On the second day of the activity, the "Hubei Chutian Electric 2021 Year-end Summary and 2022 Annual Strategy Meeting" was held at 8:30 a.m. in the Dongbi Pavilion Conference Room, with supervisors and above attending. At the meeting, Mr. Chen Songwen, chairman and general manager, first made a speech. In the speech, chairman Chen put forward targeted requirements for the work of the six major departments of technology department, purchasing department, production department, finance department, business department and enterprise management department and placed a common prospect on the future 2022. Then Xiao Difan took the lead and the management personnel of each department reported the 2021 summary and 2022 work plan to chairman Chen respectively. In order to ensure that the 2022's work can be carried out more smoothly, Chairman Chen announced the new personnel appointment and organizational structure with the company at the meeting, and issued a "military order" to the heads of departments to ensure the completion of the 2022 battle goal. At the end of the meeting, Director Chen raised the issue of department performance, and everyone expressed their opinions and ended the meeting at 12 o'clock.

Although the weather is extremely cold, this expansion is full of passion, because we believe that under the wise guidance of Chairman Chen and the joint efforts of all "Chutian people", we will surely bear fruitful fruits in 2022 and reap proud achievements.