Meeting Minutes of Hubei Chutian Electric Co., Ltd.

Release Time:2022-01-04

Meeting Minutes of Hubei Chutian Electric Co., Ltd.
Meeting time: December 19, 2021, 09:00 sharp
Venue: Conference Room, Dongbi Pavilion, Huanggang City, Hubei Province
Theme: 2021 Summary and 2022 Strategy Conference
Conference host: Yang Huiling
Participants: Chairman and General Manager-Assistant Chen Songwen and Minister of Enterprise Management-Xiao Difan Sales Director-Hu Houji Financial Director-Jin Peipei Purchasing Minister-Luo Jianzhi Business Manager-Hu Zhenjiang Business Director-Zhang Kaiwen Business Manager-Zhang Jianzhong Business Manager-Sheng Jingbo Technical Director-Xiang Yafei After-sales Minister-Xia Faxue Business Director-Yao Yuping Sheet Metal Team Leader-Liu Xin Second Team Leader-Wang Xiaojin
Minutes of the meeting: Enterprise Management Department-Zheng Shufen
CC: Board of Directors Production Department Technology Department Business Department Finance Department Enterprise Management Department
Meeting Minutes
Serial Number Matters Content Responsible department Person in charge
1 Conference Themes Annual summary report of middle-level cadres Departments All
2 Chairman announces new appointments and organizational structure
3 Discuss the year-end award for 2022 target completion
4   Strengthen team building, establish correct life values, learn from each other, supervise each other, and effectively prevent management loopholes
5 Job Requirements 2022 Improve technical design capabilities, strictly control production quality, reduce production and after-sales costs

Technology Department

Production Department

Quality Inspection Department

Fly to Asia

Xiao Divan

Xia hair school

8 Strictly implement 6S management, so as to clean up and rectify frequently. Production Department Xiao Divan
9 Regular maintenance and maintenance of production equipment Production Department Xiao Divan
10 Timely network promotion and corporate culture promotion for major corporate events Enterprise Management Department Xiao Divan
11 Do a good job in the echelon construction of personnel training and cultivation to ensure the operational needs of various departments Enterprise Management Department Xiao Divan
12 Adopt quantitative production, reward and penalty assessment measures to promote production energy efficiency and ensure effective delivery time. Production Department

Liu Xin

Xu Yuhong

Have made love

Wang Xiaojin

13 Realize production and personnel half-time management, so that managers can give full play to management in order to improve the overall management efforts.
14 Establish the management system of safe construction and civilized construction, gradually implement the 6S management system in the form of reward instead of punishment, and realize the standard, neat and orderly working environment
15 Improve safety awareness, do a good job in daily morning meeting propaganda, reduce work-related injuries
16 Strict grasp of product quality, improve sheet metal and electrical technology, so that the product's aesthetics, practicality.
17 Improve the management of fixed assets, realize the distribution of materials to people, management responsibility to people. Enterprise Management Department Xiao Divan
18 Improve and implement various management mechanisms such as attendance, after-sales service and reimbursement.
19 Starting from January 1, 2022, Xiao Difan will preside over a coordination meeting of department managers at 9 o'clock every Monday.
20 Starting from January 1, 2022, all after-sales services must be provided by the after-sales minister after confirming the construction site environment and issuing the "after-sales service task list" to the relevant departments before providing after-sales service after the equipment is sold. according to the "after-sales service task list", go to the enterprise management department to collect the out-of-house tool kit and after-sales service form. Departments All
21 Improve technical production capacity, achieve a reasonable division of labor, accelerate the bottom of the aging. Technology Department Fly to Asia
22 Reasonable optimization of components, copper bars, etc. on the basis of safe electricity use to reduce costs and maximize profits.
23 Improve the performance appraisal system that pays equal attention to rewards and punishments according to work, and implement the responsibility to people.
24 Understand market dynamics and develop new products.
25 The technical director confirms the construction of technical drawings, reduces design errors, improves production capacity, and effectively controls labor and purchase costs.
26 Complete the three major statements on the 10th of each month, apply for capital plans in advance, and broaden financing channels. Finance Department Jin Peipei
27 Reimbursement should be practical and realistic, the documents should be filled in correctly, and the invoice should be headed by "Hubei Chutian Electric Co., Ltd."; If there is no invoice, a screenshot of the payment must be provided. It is forbidden to replace reimbursement with oil tickets or other bills. Departments All
28 Avoid overstock of kitchen ingredients and consume them in time to reduce unnecessary human waste. Enterprise Management Department Xiao Divan
29 Telephone return visit after-sales service quality, ensure after-sales quality Quality Inspection Department Xia hair school
30 To achieve inspection, inspection, final inspection, improve product quality
31 Timely improve the quality inspection personnel technical training
32 Work together, give full play to your talents, and work hard for yourself. Departments All
33 Personnel Appointment

xiao difan concurrently serves as production minister and is responsible to the chairman of the board;

Hu Houji was transferred to the director of the engineering department and was responsible to the chairman;

Zhang Kaiwen succeeds the Director of the Business Department and is responsible to the Chairman;

Quality inspection after-sales department set up an independent department, responsible person Xia Faxue is responsible to the chairman;
The sheet metal engineer is incorporated into the sheet metal group, and the responsible person Guo Zhihong is responsible to the sheet metal group leader;

The copper row processing was set up as an independent group, and the responsible person had made Ai accountable to the Minister of Production.

Departments All
37 Company Rewards To achieve the 0.1 billion total contract amount, the company proposes a point to motivate the various departments. All All
      December 21, 2012